Monday, April 11, 2011

Mowing My Heart: Ouch!

To take my mind off of things, this morning I decided to work in the front yard.  Since my husband’s departure I have not tended to the lawn or backyard for that matter and it is a wreck!  Usually this is hubby’s duty! Well, now its mine amongst other things! Aaaaaah….Life of a military wife!

As I stood looking from the doorway, I glanced over and saw I had numerous big leaves, little leaves, branches and candy wrappers covering my lawn.  Before I changed my mind, I quickly went into action.  I got my broom, dustpan, rake, clippers, trash bags and this “thingy majigy” that hubby bought to whack the growing grass!  NO, I do not have a lawnmower!  I went old school on this!!

As I began to attack this chore, every action took me through a process of self-examination.  Being that I was wounded by my husband’s offense against me earlier, the Lord began to show me the importance of having our hearts cleaned out.  The Lord had me look at all the leaves and debris.  He said that every hurtful word or action covers our hearts just as these leaves covered the lawn.  Unless it is cleared, it will remain cluttered with bitterness.  As I began to rake He spoke of the importance of getting into every corner.  Leaving nothing untouched.  I started on one side of the yard making small piles until I reached the other side.  I had a total of five piles and by this time the sun was beating and I was becoming weary.  All I could do was utter a prayer “Lord give me Your strength, I cannot do this on my own.” Just the same He knows we cannot clean out our hearts on our own.

There was a particular area in which I felt I can get away without raking. Being that it was hidden and no one is able to see the mess there.  But I heard the Lord say “No. It is in the hidden areas where we must go.  If left untouched, when the wind comes it will blow the debris into the areas that have been cleansed.  Do you follow here where God is talking about?

So I obeyed. I tackled that area with the strength He afforded me because there were a lot of leaves!  Once done, I bagged the piles I formed with ease.  It was time for some pulling and uprooting of weeds.  This process was a lengthy one! My front yard was covered with them.  Remember, I’m doing this by hand.  No modern tools but this “thingy majigy” my husband bought for a buck at a thrift store, making it exceptionally harder.  I’m bent over pulling and wishing I had a lawn mower.  The Lord reminded me that there is no other method besides His that will effectively mow our hearts.  For His Word is the razorblade that will cut to the core of our embittered hearts!  I understood.

Again, I had to rake all the pulled weeds and cut grass and trash them.  It was time to clip the bushes that were overgrown and blocking the view of the house.  Just the same the Lord spoke of the need to clip away at everything that hinders us from walking in forgiveness and mercy.  Can we say "ouch"? The clipped branches were representative of the unforgiveness, bitterness, anger, and hardness that were produced from the wound of the heart.  They fell off effortlessly as I clipped away.  I gathered them and trashed them as well.  I was beginning to feel refreshed and renewed even in the heat.  I glanced at my yard and was pleased at the transformation.  I took hold of the hose and watered down the plants and trees.  The drops of cool water sprinkled towards my face and feet as the wind blew and it felt GOOD!  The droplets were a reminder of the cleansing power of our God and how when we allow Him into the deepest parts of our hearts, He washes and heals.  There is a total transformation just like my front yard!

I love when the Lord makes His Word manifest in daily chores or activities to minister to me.  Today was surely one that cost me much effort because He took me physically through it.  But never did He leave me alone.  He gave me His strength to overcome the challenge of my front yard, as well as that of my heart.  

If your spouse’s offense has left you feeling hurt, don’t allow it to cover your heart with bitterness.  Instead, allow the Lord in to comb through, rake, cut, pull, water and transform your heart! 

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.
Psalms 147:3

My prayer is: Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.~ Psalm 51:10

I was grateful for this demonstration of God's Word today as it gave me the strength to forgive my husband and receive peace once again.  In forgiveness you experience healing and freedom to love one another....I love my husband dearly and I wanted nothing more than the freedom to express that love without hindrance!!!  Thank You Lord!

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