
The greatest way we can support our troops is to pray for them and their families.  These brave soldiers face danger amongst other things that causes their minds, body, soul & spirit to be attacked.  They have no defense against the enemy because they have no time to pray, read the word, go to services, and many may not even know the Lord for themselves. 

This is where we can cover them while they are physically fighting.  Spiritually we come geared up in the Full Armor of God (Ephesians 6) and take our positions as Soldiers of Intercession.  We tear down every stronghold and tactic of the enemy in the Name of JESUS!!! 


Adopt a Soldier in prayer & bring them before the Lord in your secret place.  Pray for soundmind, for their soul that has grown weary, their body for rest, for courage, for strategic planning, for favor, for protection, provision, for their families, for showers of blessings & grace. As the Lord leads pray accordingly. 

1 comment:

  1. Lord we come to you praying for the brave men and women who have deployed today. Father charge your angels over them that they will protect them when harm comes their way. We ask that you embrace them with your love and strengthen them for the task and challenges they will face each day. Father we know you are able to keep them before your eyes every moment. You are able to give them divine strength and strategies to combat the enemy. You are able to supernaturally redirect gunfire that are aimed at them. We know you are their shield and buckler. Therefore we entrust them into Your Mighty Hand....Lord lead them to victory each day and return them safely back home to their families. We ask that you bring comfort and peace to those they have left behind and that they may find hope in You alone! Thank You Father for your grace and favor. In Jesus Name. I pray. Amen.


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