Being that this morning was NOT a good morning for me, I felt the need to surround myself in God’s splendor for comfort. Therefore, I took a drive to the beach! There is nothing like experiencing His Presence in the vastness of the ocean. Seeing His hands on everything you rest your eyes upon. One word to describe it: Majestic!
As I journeyed towards the beach with much anticipation, I heard His still voice within asking me why was I so anxious. I really was! I just wanted to get there quickly! So, I understood to be still in my soul. At that moment I happened to look at my gas gauge and noticed that I had a little over a quarter tank! There went my anxiety level! OH NO!
So I did the best thing I knew to do: I prayed! “Lord, please keep my gas tank level steady. Let it not burn gas as I drive. Instead supernaturally replenish it as I drive! I place my trust in you to keep my tank steady and not run empty. In Jesus Name. Amen!
Okay! I prayed, I believed and was persuaded that what I asked for in faith will be given unto me! Did I really? WELL, my eyes kept glancing over at my gas gauge to see if the indicator was moving below what I had. I felt conviction. "Okay! Okay! Yes I trust in you Lord". There go my eyes again focusing on my fuel level. "Oh gosh! I know Lord I’m so sorry". A few more miles and here I go again fixing my eyes towards the gas gauge. As hard as I tried, I couldn’t stop worrying about running out of gas! EVEN after I had surrendered this circumstance to Him! I was depending more on my car (my chariot) than trusting in the Lord!
He lovingly exposed my lack of faith in His ability to do exceedingly and abundantly more than I can think of! (Ephesians 3:20)
Isn’t it like us to surrender a situation to the Lord in prayer then to cancel it out by doubting His ability to perform it? Even though we profess to have faith! (tisk tisk SMH)
But when you pray, you must believe and not doubt at all. Whoever doubts is like a wave in the sea that is driven and blown about by the wind. If you are like that, unable to make up your mind and undecided in all you do, you must not think that you will receive anything from the Lord.
(James 1:6-7 GNT)
Funny how this scripture references the waves of the sea! I saw this description come alive before my eyes as I sat gazing at the waves.....
Well, He didn’t increase my fuel, but He did keep it at the same level I previously had! How could I have doubted a God whose fingerprint was evident in all I saw surrounding me at the beach!
So my dear fellow military wife, I beseech you to surrender all you are in need of and all that troubles you. If you wrestle with unbelief pray "Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!" (Mark 9:24) Fix your eyes upon Him (not the situation) and trust in the Lord!
Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God. ~ Psalm 20:7
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