Thursday, March 10, 2011

Two are Better Than One!

A sister in Christ once said “being apart from her soul mate is like trying to ride a bicycle with one wheel”. Have you ever tried riding a bicycle with one wheel missing?  It’s impossible!  So they say……

Well for someone like myself who doesn’t know HOW to ride a bicycle, I couldn’t quite grasp this statement!  That is until today!

These last few days I’ve experienced many changes.  Besides the emotional aspect of my husband’s absence, I’ve come to realize how much I depended on him AND all he contributed to the household.  Me, the “I am independent super woman” (can you sense the pride)!

Take out the garbage, pay the bills, shopping AND bagging it, washing clothes, bathe the little one, drive him to school, pick him up from school, put gas in the car, rake the leaves, water the garden, kill the mosquito AND make my own coffee!!! Whew!! 

LORD, help me!  I’m missing a wheel! Come to think of it, my husband was both wheels and I was the “seat”.  I “the independent super-woman” unknowingly sat unappreciative of my husband’s contribution to our home.  Funny thing, I always wondered why he was so tired and frustrated.  He was carrying most of the weight!

So I had a crash course on riding a bicycle and becoming a wheel instead of a seat!  Now I am able to understand and appreciate my friend’s statement above!  But most of all I have come to acknowledge my prideful mentality that I am capable of holding down the fort on my own. Wow, can you say “rude awakening”!!!  I have a new appreciation for my husband. 

I can’t wait to tell him that I finally have learned to ride a bicycle! I’m sure he will be taken over with joy!!!  Either that, or think that this deployment has taken me over the edge! LOL….

 Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” ~ Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 NIV


Although it takes two wheels that are balanced to ride a bicycle effectively, there is one more important component and that is the handle bars.  When we allow God control in our relationships….He steers us up the hills and down the valleys of marriage!  Praise the Lord!!

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