Saturday, May 14, 2011


How is it possible that despite all our soldiers endure the government continues to place financial burdens on them and their families?

Not only have they cut back on their benefits (financial), they also require the soldiers to pay for medical coverage on top of the cuts! Oh yeah and get this, if they need extra uniforms they have to purchase them.  They even have to pay for their own laundry!!  I mean this is ridiculous!

So much hooplah about honoring our soldiers yet they dishonor them everyday by the unfair treatments.  I just don't understand how the government in knowing that their families are dependent upon their pay continually make errors.

My husband called me very upset because yet again they didn't give him his full pay.  He was scheduled to come home next month for the last time before they deploy and now he is unable to.  Bills have to be paid and even that is falling behind. 

The government seems to place a higher burden on the soldiers and their families more than the war itself. How can they expect a soldier to be in their right mind to fight when they are worried about their families financially making it back home!!! 

Gosh this breaks my heart.  Not only for us but for all the other families that are enduring this as well!

Our soldiers deserve more than this!!! Our families deserve more than this!!!  Military families are sacrificing so much for this country and we get the short end of the stick.  But that's okay!  Because we serve a Chief Commander of the Heavenlies that wars on our behalf and my hope is in Him!! 

The LORD gives righteousness and justice to all who are treated unfairly. ~ Psalm 103:6

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