Thursday, May 26, 2011

A Lesson Learned Through a Six Year Old!!

The other day my 6yr. old son, Sammy told me that he got in trouble in school because he started screaming in the class.  So I asked him why did he do that?  He said that a classmate received a "prize" and he wanted it.  He said he was mad because it was not him that got it.  So he said he started to scream and cry and was mad at his friend.

All was confirmed in the note the teacher sent home. I talked with my son and had reminded him that the previous week he had done well in class and received a prize as well.  I asked him how he would feel if his friend scream and got mad at him.  He said he wouldn't like that.  So I told him he needs to be happy and congratulate his friend next time. 

So the other day Sam holds out a "medal" he received as a prize and told me that he wanted to give it to his friend.  That totally set an example to ME! Not only was he sorry but he was going to do something about it!

How many times, we as adults react the same way when others succeed in accomplishing their goals and are blessed?  Whether its a physical or spiritual accomplishment, inside our hearts we begin to scream "unfair" and envy spills out in our reactions.  Instead of rejoicing with them, we despise their blessings.  This occurs in our workplace, in our families and our churches.  We may feel the sting of conviction and repent from doing so, but like my son, we need to do something to make it right.  What does it require? Your Pride!

Yes, that old nasty thing that rises up and robs us each time.  It keeps us from saying sorry and restoring the relationships that have been damaged. But most of all it keeps us from acknowledging the victories of others and rejoice with them.

I was blessed as the Lord ministered to me through this!  I was very proud of my boy and I told him so!!

Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. ~Romans 12: 15

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