Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Search ME LORD? That was my initial prayer.  It was a risky one because I knew that God will do according to what I ask for.  

What He showed me caused me to cry out:

"Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right, persevering,and steadfast spirit within me."
~ Psalm 51:10 AMP

As I shared in my last post, I came to a place of surrendering to the LORD after being shown what laid at the root of my heart. 

And in return He has given me what I have asked for: A CLEAN HEART!

Was it easy? Absolutely not!

Let's see, my last post was in April 10.  It's been a month and eleven days of breaking up the fallow ground of my heart! Lot's of washing!!!

I have to say that God is so faithful to answer our prayers and do exceedingly and abundantly more than we can ask or imagine!

During this time the old heart that was filled with jealousy is now long gone....A new heart of love has taken its place! One that feels compassion; one that understands and forgives; one that embraces the differences and uniqueness of each individual. 

There has been a shift in our home.  Where there once was strife, not there is peace.  Where there was division, now there is unity.  Where there was anger, now resides love....

Our relationship as husband and wife have grown stronger even despite the struggles my husband continues to face as he comes into retirement in June.  The LORD has given me such a heart of understanding for my husband.  Now I understand why he feels the anxiety and his fears.  I no longer judge him but instead I support him by listening more and concerning myself with what concerns him.  In doing so, I see that God's peace is over us both and our home.

My relationship with the girls have also taken a change.  We talk; we share and we laugh!  It's so amazing how God moves.....

The greatest moment was on Mother's Day when they both individually got me cards and they both referred to me as "mom"....WOW! They expressed their gratitude and also asked for forgiveness for all they did that caused strife.  I was speechless but so ever grateful.

We are surely becoming a family.....Will there be moments of chaos, I'm sure...but now we learned to love and handle it in the spirit of love.  

I am so thankful to God and my prayers are to keep my heart pure and filled with His Love so that I in turn may continue to love others as He does....

There is hope!!! Hope for blended families that struggle to adapt to one another!  Hope for a love that unites....That Hope is in the LORD.....

I know! I lived it and now I can testify of it!! To God be the glory!!!  :)

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