Sunday, December 4, 2011

Yet Another Diagnosis

A couple of days ago, my husband called to notify me that they are taking more test because he continues to have blood in his urine.  It may be a possibility that he may have developed bladder cancer.  They mentioned that they had overlooked any other possibility of cancer besides his prostrate.  But they are concerned of his symptons and will do further testings.

Of course this news comes a couple of months after they overruled prostrate cancer.  This has put my husband in a place of great concern.  The strain of not knowing has caused much stress as it would with many.  This has caused him to lose hope and accept what may come.  His emotions have caused him to react in ways that have oppressed and depressed him.

Sometimes I sit and here and wonder why all this is happening.  "God you did not keep him from going to war in Afghanistan for him to die here."  "You did not allow him to come this far for him to lose it all".....There is more to this than what the natural eye can perceive! 

As I encouraged my husband to see that this is not what it appears, I begin to speak to him about the Israelites.

Their reaction to their journey was one of complaints and murmuring despite the many times God had provided for them.  They complained of being thirsty and God had Moses strike the rock and water poured forth.  God quenched their dryness.

They complained they were hungry and God rained down manna with a condition that they only gather for the day. 
Even then they were not satisfied.  They grew tired of eating manna.  Their grumbling was heard by God and He provided meat (quails) for them.

They continued to murmur along their journey despite seeing the provisions God made for them. They were so impatient and ungrateful that they rathered had gone back to Egypt.  They accused Moses and his God for misleading them through the wilderness to die. 

Their process of crossing over the Jordan to their promised land was not suppose to take 40 years.  But they were their greatest hindrance.  If only they would have just trusted in God to take them through instead of seeking Him to take them out they would have crossed over.  Unfortunately that generation didn't make it through.

Sometimes we don't understand what is happening in our lives. We can't seem to make sense of our circumstances and we lose hope.  We cry out to God with our "why's".  We become desperate and angry that we are not where we want to be in the time we want it to be. We allow ourselves to complain to God. We blame others and can't see past our circumstances.  Our eyes are focused on the problem and as we do, we magnify it.  We resist God's leading because it's a place we don't want to be because it's uncomfortable. 

We may not understand why God will allow us to go through certain things but He does.  He knows the end from the beginning.  Our journey in Christ requires that we go through a process.  In that place God is refining and equipping us to cross over to the promise land that He has given us. 

I believe what my husband is going through is his process.  His ability to cross over is dependent upon whether he continues to resist or not.  Just as it is with everyone.  We have to make a choice.  Do we allow our circumstances to rob us of our hope and the promises of God or do we totally trust in God to take us through?

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Jeremiah 29:11

Please keep my husband in prayer.  Do not pray for healing because I know that is done but pray for his spirit that has fallen because of this.  Thank you so much.....God bless!

1 comment:

  1. I choose to stand on the Word of God and all His promises for my husband! I will not allow the enemy to persuade me to believe what is seen with the natural eyes. My vision is focused in the supernatural realm where all our promises are awaiting to be manifested on earth as we pulled them down with our faith!!! Glory be to God!!!


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