Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Breaking Free: Take Off The Mask

A military face mask purpose is to protect against the cold weather the soldiers are exposed to as well as other elements.

We, Military wives have our own version to protect us against the storms we are exposed to as well as the elements of our emotions.

How many of you own and wear this mask? If we are honest, most of us do!

Being a wife of a soldier, we are trained to be strong. We are to press forth against the force of adversity and never show our enemies our weakness!

In the absence of our spouse we are to hold the fort down. A one-woman operation! We must strive to subdue and conquer every battle we face each day with strategy. What are these battles we face head on as we open our eyes and plant our feet on the ground?

• Getting out of bed
• Preparing our children for school
• Preparing ourselves for work whether outside the home or inside
• Running errands (paying bills, grocery shopping, laundry, taking & picking up our children from recreational programs, car maintenance, etc.)
• Maintaining our homes in order (cleaning, mowing the lawn, fixing the plumbing, resolving sibling rivalry and much, much more.)

These are just a few.

Our most brutal, grimy, and overpowering wars are fought within the battlefield of our mind and heart. A raging combat of thoughts and the emotions they produce causes us to put on our mask for protection.


Because we have been accustomed to hide behind masks we have become imprisoned by our emotions. We refuse to take them off in fear of exposing our weaknesses to others but most importantly to protect ourselves. Our desire is to be all that we can be and all that our husbands expect us to be in their absence.

Well let me ask you “How’s that working for you?” I’m sure it’s not. It’s overwhelming! Although battle wearied, you continue to fight alone. Are you aware that you don’t have to be an army of one?

When you are unaided, your chances of becoming a prisoner of war is very high (POW- is a person, whether civilian or combatant, who is held in custody by an enemy power during or immediately after an armed conflict.) AND pride and fear will enable the enemy to keep you imprisoned if you continue to hide behind your mask.

It’s time to take it off ladies!! It’s time to break free!!

Have you not known? Have you not heard? There is a man of war whose name is Jesus. He is chief commander and His strategies are always victorious! Under His direction and training you will recognize which battles are yours and which are His. He will equip you with weapons that will pierce your strongest adversary. He will reveal the enemies traps and give you the strategies to subdue and conquer. He will give you the blueprint to follow as you engage in the front lines of life. Once He has dressed you in His armor, He goes before you clearing the path to victory!!

Did you take off your mask? I'm waiting!!

Now take notice of the list of emotions above again. Put all the first letter (in red) of every word together vertically. What does it spell?

Do you see it? The iron bars of loneliness, insecurity, fear, temptations, exhaustion and depression that held you in custody by the enemy power have now been LIFTED as you lifted off your mask!

“And now my head will be lifted up above my enemies around me,
And I will offer in His tent sacrifices with shouts of joy;
I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the LORD.”
Psalm 27:6 NASB

I applaud all the brave military spouses who took heed and took off their mask!!  Walk free - Live Free! 
Although we will always face battles without; we don't have to face them within!!  Wage War in prayer and come under the guidance of our Chief Commander, Jesus Christ!! 

One more thing.  Lift up your feet right now! Yes now! What do you see? It looks like the enemy is under your feet!!!!!  Victory!!!  Glory be to God!!

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